
Marin Regains Birth Weight

Well -- it takes most babies 1 week to do it, but apparently Marin wanted to create havoc with a bazillion pediatrician copays by waiting until she was 4 weeks old to reach her birth weight again. Granted, she was a chunker at 8lb 10oz, but it was still a VERY slow climb back to that weight marker. Thank goodness she made it, though, b/c the doctor was about to tell me that I needed to start supplementing with formula to make her gain more quickly and I think with all I've been through with mastitis and continuing to nurse through that -- I would've either punched out the doctor or broke down bawling. But she's right at 9lbs now and doing fabulously, so all is well. And she's gotten much cuter than when she was born. She had a rough few days for sure on the looks... but she's a great baby, so I could handle a few days with an awkward-looking newborn! ;)

I am feeling human again now that the mastitis has subsided. That was literally hell on earth. I wanted to die. I laid in bed with tears streaming down the sides of my face and into my ears because I just felt so cruddy. David was so nice through it all. He felt so bad that he couldn't help me at night with feedings and stuff b/c of nursing and all, but he was supportive and great. He always is, actually. He's the best dad in the universe. I always watch him with the kids and am just so proud of my family.

My in-laws are here right now. They got here this evening and I am WAY excited!!! They are going to be able to bond a bit with Marin since they hadn't seen her since her birth with all the drama that insued... PLUS they can help a bit and I can get some well-deserved (I think) sleep. Maybe even a nap during the day????? WOW!!!!!!! Or they could get up with Cade when he wakes up at 6:30am (that has GOT to stop) and I can sleep until Marin wakes up. That will be awesome!!!

My mom has offered to help as much as she can with how busy busy busy she is with Mary Kay right now, but Cade has temporarily been banned from long visits at Ima and Popsy's house because he likes them too much. He ALWAYS wants to go over there and when we get him back, he has to go through about 48 hours of Ima and Popsy Detox. He just cries for them and throws fits when he can't go back. It's really cute, actually, because he is so in love with them. Maybe we'll lift the ban soon and he can go back and visit. I think the detox was just really bad this last time because he was over there so much during Marin's birth and then we had to stay there during the power outage right afterwards for 4 days... so he was basically there for a whole week non-stop. We'll have to break him back in slowly with small visits... :)

We feel so blessed to have our new little family unit! God is amazing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey. I'm so glad to hear the update. I've been sending LOTS of prayers your way and am so happy to know you are feeling better. I want more pictures!!!

Love you. Happy Memorial Day Weekend to you all!!
