
An actual post. Woh.

I don't know how long this will last -- as in, I probably will take another year off after this post, but I was in the mood to blog and so here it goes.

It's been since Marin turned 1 that I posted last and now she's almost 2 (in a couple weeks). Everything for us is going fantastically and we are just truly blessed.

I am back in school going for a second bachelor's degree in Nursing. I am finishing up my last prerequisite right now and will (hopefully, if I get in) start Nursing School at TWU next year. I am eventually interested in pursuing a career as a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist), which is a long and confusing way of saying that I would give epidurals and put people "under" during surgeries. An anesthesiologist without the $$, basically. But the path to become a CRNA is a grueling one and I am just focusing on getting my B.S.N. (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) right now. Then I'll work as a nurse for a couple years... then I will apply and hopefully get into a Nurse Anesthetist program. That lasts full-time for 2.5 years and then you get a fancy pants Master's Degree and go to work again. But we'll see... Sorry, ACU. That first bachelor's degree didn't really help me so much...

Cade is 4 now. He turned 4 back in March. He is the best thing in the universe. He is so sweet and good to his friends. I am consistently proud of him.

Marin is awesome. She is a bit of a walking disaster. We've done stitches on her mouth and then yesterday she decided to sit down in a fire ant bed and has about 75 fire ant bites all over her back and feet and side. It was a mini-nightmare for me. We were at the park so I didn't even have a water hose or a bathtub or anything to quickly get them off of her. After she started screaming, I ran over to see what the deal was and she was already COVERED in ants. I ripped off her clothes and her diaper and basically beat the ants off of her. Then I discovered they were still all in her hair and scalp and so I had to pull her ponytail down and get them outta there. She has bites all over her poor scalp!! I got bit a few times by them and they HURT! I don't know that I've ever really gotten into fire ants before. Not your average ant.

So I called the doctor and he said I should probably bring her in due to the # of bites. They put her on a 5 day course of steroids and I am doing cortisone cream and benadryl. GEEZ!!! She is just gonna be "that" kid of the family. Cade is so cautious he never ventures anywhere that could have potential harm.

Enjoy the photos and maybe I'll post before Cade goes off to kindergarten. :)

Cade at his 4th birthday party

Marin, Cade and Aubrey. Aubrey is the daughter of one of my best friends, Tiffany. I am keeping her for the month of April while Tiffany is at work. It's been so fun having her! She just joins us on all our daily adventures.

Easter morning right before church