
4th of July Festivities

We had such a fun 4th of July this year!!

In the morning, we went to my Aunt Marilyn's house and hung out with family. We had awesome hot dogs and the most amazing home made ice cream ever! It was fun to let the all the kids play together and (of course) pose for the annual picture on the outside bench! You can see it below.

And then that evening, we went and partied hard with our church group. It has been such a blessing to have such a strong 20s and 30s class. The people are just amazing and actually want to have fun together. The guys all go mountain biking and get together and play HALO and dodge ball (which is wierd, but they love it). The girls go see movies and hang out, too. God has truly answered our prayers of finding a strong group of friends at church. What a blessing! So... we had fun swimming and grilling and hanging out for the 4th.

You can see some of our swimming fun on You Tube. HA!!



Shauna said...

Have I told you yet how freakin precious your kiddos are!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Cutest 4th of July kids ever!! Especially love Marin's outfit!

Elizabeth Chism said...

Girl, you have the cutest kids hands down!!

Stephanie said...

You got some FINE kiddos there baby! Marin's facial expressions CRACK me up! She's going to be a HOOT!

Ashley said...

Enjoyed reading your blog and seeing how your sweet family is doing!! The kiddos are precious, both beautiful and handsome!!