
Finally a name!

Well, we have officially decided to name our baby girl Marin Anne Williams. We like it and if you don't, I don't care. That's her name. Marin is just because we like it and Anne is because it's my middle name. So that's pretty cool. Keep all of us prego people in your prayers right now if you think about it. I just read on Tracey's blog that she had a scary fall and had to stay in the hospital (and she's due when I'm due) and an old friend of mine from high school, Kevyn (Pascoe) Yuditzky, just gave birth to her and her husband's first baby boy 2 1/2 months early (she was due when I am due). Luckily, everything is turning out okay for everyone, but it sure gives me the scares!

God Bless!


Stephanie said...

I like it. Does that earn me any extra points?

Anonymous said...

Brooksie -- Well, we enjoyed our visit with your folks yesterday afternoon prior to your fam's arrival for dinner in Cedar Hill. We hope to get together soon @ a Campuzanos near & dear to us all.
Can't wait for you & TLS to have your little girls!! Us grandparents are anxious to spoil yet another grandchild. :)
This is just fun fun fun!!!!
M&E 2-24-2007