
Cade's Easter Pic

I'm pretty much horrible, b/c it's taken me this long to get a picture of Cade from Easter up here. Anyway, this is a snapshot from Ima and Popsy's house. That's my mom and dad for those of you who can't translate. :)

Cade's been a sick little beast the last few weeks. On Easter (just 2 weeks ago), he had Roseola and this last weekend (up until today), he's had 104 fever with an ear infection and upper respiratory infection. But he's good to go now since he's pumped full of antibiotics. Poor guy -- maybe it's because Dallas is the #1 city in America with the WORST AIR QUALITY. Canada, here we come! :)


Derek and Kelsey said...

YAY! I got tired of looking at the possum. :) Cade is way cuter! The coloring on that picture is so cool. Now, all the blog needs is a pic of Cade in his Japanese attire!! :)

Stephanie said...

That kid is cute.

Anonymous said...

Cool pic!! You're a fancy photographer... go into a side business?? Cade is still as cute as ever!