
Marin wins the contest.

Ladies and gentlemen, for the last two nights, Marin has slept all through the night w/o waking up. And I'm not talking just sleeping for an extended time between feedings. She has gone to bed at 9 and gotten up the next morning at 8. That is better than Cade, folks.

So, let's just be honest. I love her more now. :)

I had always heard rumors that babies existed that sleep through the night at 3 or 4 months old, but I never believed it. At least never believed it would actually happen to me. That I would be so lucky to get one.

Also, some new pictures taken in the last week or so. Marin is doing great and Cade is getting so darn verbal, he's starting to teach me words. You'll notice how much fun I'm having getting Marin all dressed up in the morning. She's looking super cute and Cade's still in a p.j. shirt and a diaper that's about 2 pee sessions overdue. Ha!


Anonymous said...

Way2Go Marin!!
Grandad Harper, now babysitting Todd & Natalie with Gwee. :)

Anonymous said...

She's a doll, Brooks!!

Stephanie said...

So, I'm thinking it's a good thing that Mandy is a degreed therapist... Cade is going to need it!

Just kidding! They're both precious and I enjoy your honest approach to blogging!

Mandy and Joseph said...

I just love her bows, they are too cute.
Tell Cade for me, he's handsome enough in his PJs and diaper!