

Well, I haven't blogged in forever, so lots has been going on. My last post was that Marin was sleeping through the night -- well, that's not true any more. I just don't have babies that sleep through the night. It's genetic, I guess. She's doing a heck of a lot better than Cade ever did, though. So it's livable. She's sleep through a handful of nights, but nothing regular or predictable. DARN IT.

Marin went to the doctor today for her regular 4-month checkup. She's doing fantastically. She's right at 14 pounds (50 percentile); 25.5 inches (75 percentile) and 16.5" head circumference (75 percentile). Pretty good. She also is rolling around like a beast now. When I put her down on the floor, I never know where I'm going to end up finding her in five minutes. Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but she does like to roll over a lot. And she's starting laughing, which is darn adorable. You would think a little girl would laugh all high-pitched and cute... well, her's is more like a throaty, manly laugh. Very butch.

We took the family down to New Braunfels/San Antonio with David's parents. It was a ball. Cade LOVED Sea World and hasn't stopped talking about Shamu and the dolphins since. He says he saw the "Shamu show." And we got him a souvenier T-shirt (but it's so big that he just sleeps in it at this point.) But we did lots of swimming in the pool with Cade and he is ADDICTED to swimming. He even will let you let go of him in the water (of course, he has floaties on) and he'll kick and paddle to the edge all by himself. He is so proud when he does it. He is just cracking me up lately. He is so funny and adorable. Of course, I'm bias. But he really is. Marin has LOTS to live up to in the adorable department -- not sure she'll get there, but she'll try real hard. She's just so different.

Hard that you can have two kids from the same parents and they can be so different. Cade was always an extremely high-maintenance baby and continues to be a high-maintenance toddler. Not at all a bad kid, he actually is very very very well behaved (I'd like to take some of the credit), but he's very high-maintenance. He likes to constantly have your attention and you constantly have to play with him, color with him, go outside with him, tell him what EVERYTHING is and what EVERYTHING says, etc. My mom says he's just like me in that regard -- just totally CONSTANT 24/7. He never ever stops talking. Ever.

And then there's Marin who is such an easier baby. She only cries when she needs something (like all babies should) instead of just for kicks. She sleeps well, she's happy most of the time, she watches things... and is altogether easy (a total breeze compared to Cade at that age.) Who knows what she'll be like when she gets older? Of course, I appreciate her laid-backness, but sometimes, I'm like, "Come on, girl! Show me some spunk, some fire already!" Perhaps I should just enjoy the passiveness. I'm just ready to get to know her. I'm anxious to meet Marin as she will be as a person... does that make sense?

Okay -- I've blogged long enough and shared more than enough. Thanks for reading and check back for pictures soon. Our computer is broken and I don't have the software on this one to put pics on ... so stay tuned!


Marin wins the contest.

Ladies and gentlemen, for the last two nights, Marin has slept all through the night w/o waking up. And I'm not talking just sleeping for an extended time between feedings. She has gone to bed at 9 and gotten up the next morning at 8. That is better than Cade, folks.

So, let's just be honest. I love her more now. :)

I had always heard rumors that babies existed that sleep through the night at 3 or 4 months old, but I never believed it. At least never believed it would actually happen to me. That I would be so lucky to get one.

Also, some new pictures taken in the last week or so. Marin is doing great and Cade is getting so darn verbal, he's starting to teach me words. You'll notice how much fun I'm having getting Marin all dressed up in the morning. She's looking super cute and Cade's still in a p.j. shirt and a diaper that's about 2 pee sessions overdue. Ha!